In its early days, Street Hockey was played (as it is still today in many areas) in tennis courts, driveways, school yards, parking lots, gyms and in the streets. Known by many names such as Road Hockey, Ball Hockey, Floor Hockey and Street Hockey. The game was played throughout the United States and Canada, with worn out, cast away hockey equipment, home made goals, punctured tennis balls, a few rules but plenty of enthusiasm.
Street Hockey was elevated from the neighborhood game to an organized sport in the early 1970's in Leominster,
Massachusetts, when a group of hockey enthusiasts headed by Raymond W LeClerc, who also founded Mylec, Inc., a street hockey equpiment company. His vision to introduce three essentials made the game into an organized sport.
These essentials included; a regulation rink (160' x 80') in which to play, a "no-bounce" plastic ball which replaced a puck and a set of Official playing rules which governed the game.
This group of dedicated individuals and assistants (Ray LeClerc, Tom Downey, Dave Kornik & Chris Housser) then developed programs including a National Organization to help govern the game of Dekhockey then known as the ASHI now as the USDHF to help with league formations, age divisions, equipment standards, referee training and certification, along with regional, national and international tournaments which accelerated the growth of the sport nationwide.
Organized Street Hockey today uses the name DekHockey in many areas and features light weight equipment designed for a fast paced, action packed game under an Official set of rules to govern organized leagues & rink facilities. The sport is played by boys and girls in all age divisions from 4 years to over 50 years. Regional, National and International tournaments for all age groups bring together over 500 teams and 10,000 players every year.
Street Hockey/Dekhockey is a running game played similar to ice hockey with the exception that body checking is not permitted. Running, stick handling, passing and shooting are the basic qualities which provide an exciting and fast game. Leagues and tournaments are played in Official rinks outdoors or indoors on all weather playing surfaces and under the Official USDHF Street Hockey/Dekhockey rules. Game consist of 3 periods either 10 or 12 minutes per period with officiating and score keeping.
Organized Street Hockey/Dekhockey is flourishing throughout the United States and Canada and is now being played under these Official rules along with the World Ball Hockey Federation Ball Hockey rules through out the World.
International Dekhockey Tournament Association is committed to a strong organized program that benefits the players, coaches, officials, teams, leagues and tournaments. Official facilities new and old continue to contribute to the expansion, growth and success of the sport. Individual and team participation is always welcome.

The 10th Anniversary 1974 to 1984 ASHI-LDHC Book Stats, Pictures and Champions