Chipmunk (4, 5 & 6 year olds)
Penguin (7, 8 & 9 year olds)
Beaver (10, 11 & 12 year olds)
Cadet Minor (13, 14 & 15 year olds) & Cadet Major (16 & 17 year olds)
Men's (16+)
Women's (16+)
All players will be placed on a team. The fee is $125, which includes All Season games, practices and playoffs, (Family Rate $5 off additional brothers or sisters registered when paid in full)
Forms can be downloaded from this site in forms and downloads section and sent by mail (56 Mead Street Leominster, Ma) with a $75 Deposit

About Raymond W Leclerc
The Founder of Street Hockey
Raymond W Leclerc pictured here at Disney World in 2008. He is considered the Father of Street Hockey and was the inventor of the "no bounce orange ball". His company MYLEC grew from this single invention & how street, dekhockey, ballhockey, road or floor hockey is played. With the success of the ball, Mr Leclerc then created the Rules for the Organized game a special sized rink (160' x 80') the first Street Hockey Center ever in Leominster Ma. A line of protective equipment, Official National Tournaments & Associations to monitor and promote the growth of the game. He will be missed, his passion for Hockey created the Sport of Street Hockey & Dekhockey. Tens of thousands of players youth & adults are the beneficiaries of his love of the game. God Bless Raymond W Leclerc.